Pastels for the Absolute Beginner
If you want to learn how to use soft pastels, or to enliven your current pastel work, then Pastels for the Absolute Beginner is the book for you.
Take your first steps with pastels and explore new techniques as you learn how to produce modern, lively and colourful artwork with this exciting medium.
There are step-by-step exercises and longer projects to help you to build essential skills and allow you to produce a range of pictures, including landscapes, still life, portraits and animals. Vital drawing skills are explained and demonstrated, along with an easy-to-follow guide to colour theory.
I have included a huge variety of finished paintings to provide ideas and inspiration for your own future pastel work.
Published by Search Press, paperback. 144 pages, 450 illustrations.
ISBN 9781782215639
Price £12.99 Click here to buy now
What The Artist magazine says about it……’This unassuming, but not insubstantial book is a bit of a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Although billed as an introduction it is actually one of the best and most comprehensive books on pastel there has been in a long time – possibly ever.
Books on pastel usually either cover landscapes, because that’s the most popular subject and sales volumes matter, or are fairly simple technical introductions that can lack any real sense of creative endeavour. Rebecca de Mendonça, whose first book this is, is an artist of very considerable ability who is up to the task of tackling subjects that range from landscapes and beach scenes to figures, animals and still lifes. There is plenty of technical information, but also demonstrations and exercises a-plenty and so much to get your teeth into that you’ll never be stuck for inspiration or left feeling you want more.’
There is also a video course available here to complement the book.