Zoom workshop

Zoom pastel workshop, ‘Capture the Energy’
Monday 3rd March 2025
7pm London Time

Join us for a live pastel workshop, to sketch dogs loosely in pastels, capturing their life and energy. How to create artwork that is more than just a copy of a photograph!

Looking at alertness, emotion, and movement as well as texture, form and backgrounds. 

This demo will also include tips on how to understand the structure of a dog’s head, how ‘less is more’, and the importance of mark-making.

If time allows, we will also look at palette choices and techniques for painting black dogs.

We will be using soft pastels, Conte Crayons (if you have them) and pastel pencils.

Please get in touch if you would like to buy the recording of this zoom workshop, by emailing rebeccademendonca@gmail.com


Pastel Society Exhibition

The Pastel Society annual exhibition is now open at the Mall Galleries, London, from 22nd January to 8th February (closed on 4th Feb for a private event).

It is a fabulous mix of all types of work in a dry medium, so includes drawings and charcoal work as well as pastels. They have pastel events and demonstrations on each day given by Pastel Society members. So it is well worth a visit!

I am thrilled that my piece, ‘Through the Steam’ was selected for the exhibition, and has now sold!

You can find out more about the exhibition here


Zoom pastel workshop, ‘Sunshine and Shadows’
Monday 6th January 2025
7pm London Time

Join us for a live zoom pastel workshop, to capture the effects of bright sunshine and shadows, in a beautiful and tranquil Mediterranean courtyard. With tips for creating structure within your painting, and choosing your palette to create dappled sunlight and colour within shadows.

There will be a recording available the day after the session if you register for the event.

The recording of this workshop is available if you contact Rebecca by email, rebeccademendonca@gmail.com


Zoom pastel workshop, ‘Skies in Pastels’
Monday 11th November 2024
7pm London Time

Join us for a live zoom workshop, to capture the beauty and subtlety of skies with pastels. With tips for creating gentle light, soft mark-making and using lines of flow and perspective to create a sense of space, and to draw your viewer into a scene.
This demo will also include tips on using tonal contrasts as well as warm and cool colours to create atmosphere.

There will be a recording available the day after the session if you register for the event.

The recording of this workshop is available if you contact Rebecca by email, rebeccademendonca@gmail.com

Horse in Art Exhibition

I am delighted to have received the award for the Best Work by an Associate Member at the Society of Equestrian Artists annual Horse in Art exhibition.

It was for my painting ‘Are you Looking at Me?’ which you can see here.

The exhibition is held at the Rose Paterson Gallery, Weston Park, Shropshire, TF11 8LE.

It is a fantastic exhibition, and will be on for the month of September, open every day. It showcases the very best of equestrian art in the UK, in an absolutely beautiful venue.

There is also a bistro and a cafe on site, so altogther a great day out!

You can find out more about it, and if you cannot get there in person, you can view the online catalogue here.


Zoom pastel workshop, ‘Ebb and Flow’
Monday 6th May 2024
7pm London Time

Join us for a live pastel workshop, to capture the beautiful patterns made by sea washing over rocks on the beach. With tips for using lines of flow and perspective to create a sense of space. After the great success of the ‘Crashing Waves’ pastel workshop, it seemed a good idea to explore even further the way that the tide washes over the beach.

This demo will also include tips on how to convey depth in the water, colour choices, and how to create sparkle on the water, and hazy distance in the hills.

There will be a recording available the day after the session if you register for the event.

The recording of this workshop is available if you contact Rebecca by email, rebeccademendonca@gmail.com

Wild Hares Pastel Workshop Zoom


Zoom pastel workshop, ‘Wild Hares’
Monday 8th April 2024
7pm London Time

Join us for a live pastel workshop, to focus on how to capture the structure, body language and textures of animals, using wild hares as our subject matter. We will be using soft pastels, charcoal, Conte Crayons (if you have them) and pastel pencils. Hares are beautiful and extraordinary animals, and a joy to draw and paint.
However, much of the skills learnt in this workshop will be useful for many other animals, including dogs, cats and other wildlife. 

We will look at drawing animal heads from different angles as a way to understand their structure and form.

The images are provided by Frances Crickmore, who is an inspiring wildlife photographer in Suffolk, you can see her beautiful photography on Instagram at @francescrikmorephoto.

The recording of this workshop is available if you contact Rebecca by email, rebeccademendonca@gmail.com


Zoom pastel workshop, ‘The Colours of Summer’
Monday 4th March 2024
7pm London Time

Join us for a live pastel workshop, to capture the beautiful bright colours of a hot summers day in the Mediterranean. With tips on colour choices to create heat and dazzle, using complementary colours.
After the success of the colour work we did in the ‘Sunlight Through the Trees’ pastel workshop, this time we will be looking at complementary colours, and also trees close-up, and long grasses.

This demo will also include tips on how to convey a sense of space, and also working on different colours of surfaces.

Please get in touch if you would like to buy the recording for this workshop rebeccademendonca@gmail.com

This will also be available as an online workshop very soon.


Zoom pastel workshop, ‘A Horse’s Head’
Monday 5th February 2024
7pm London Time

Join us for a live pastel workshop, to sketch a horse’s head in pastels. We will be using soft pastels, Conte Crayons (if you have them) and pastel pencils, to capture the beautiful form and textures of a chestnut horse’s head. From the shine of the eye, the softness of the muzzle, to the fine coat.

This demo will also include tips on how to understand the structure of the head, and how ‘less is more’, and with just a few marks you can convey the meaning.

Please get in touch if you would like to buy the recording for this workshop rebeccademendonca@gmail.com

This will also be available as an online workshop very soon.

Pastel Society 2024

I am thrilled and humbled that my pastel, ‘Sunshine and Steam’ has won the Yoshimoto Award at the Pastel Society 2024 Annual Exhibition. It is awarded to ‘an outstanding work by a non-member’.

The exhibition takes place at the Mall Galleries, London, from 24th January to 10th February (closed on 6th Feb). 

This will be the 125th year of the Pastel Society, so it is an amazing exhibition to be part of. I cannot help imagining all the artists that have exhibited with the Society over the years. I am thrilled to be part of this history. 

You can see all of the artworks and find out more information here.

Zoom workshop

Zoom pastel workshop, ‘Sunlight Through the Trees’
Monday 8th January 2024
7pm London Time

Let’s start the year with some sunshine!
Join us for a live pastel workshop, to capture the effect of warm sunlight filtering through trees, and sparkling on water. With techniques to draw and paint trees, leaves, and a fast-flowing river. How to capture the freshness of Spring, and a haze of sunshine.

This demo will also include tips on choosing your palette, and how to convey a sense of space, and create your own composition from several photographs.

You can now buy this as an online workshop here

Zoom Workshop

Zoom pastel workshop, ‘Christmas Sparkle’
Monday 11th December 2023
7pm London Time

Soft pastel techniques for creating shine and sparkle, and soft floaty fabrics
Join us for a live workshop to get in the mood for Christmas. We will be using soft pastels to paint some shiny, sparkly baubles and probably getting very messy! This is a piece where we work from dark to light, and build up layers to create shine and atmosphere.

Please email Rebecca if you would like to buy the recording rebeccademendonca@gmail.com

Zoom Workshop

Zoom pastel workshop, ‘Autumn on the Moor’
Monday 6th November 2023
7pm London Time

Join us for a live pastel workshop, to capture the drama of a bright, windy Autumnal day on the moor. With bright, low sunshine, and soft clouds racing across the sky. Dramatic rocks, rich orange hues of bracken, and the freshness of the great outdoors.

Please email Rebecca if you would like to buy the recording rebeccademendonca@gmail.com

Zoom Workshop

Zoom pastel workshop, ‘Crashing Waves’
Monday 2nd October 2023
7pm London Time

I am very happy to say that zoom season is nearly here again! And we will be starting with a bright, fresh day on the beach….

Join us for a live pastel workshop painting a bright sunny day with waves crashing on the beach. With lots of tips and techniques for painting the sea, waves, rocks and beaches, and capturing the feeling of a fresh, windy day by the sea.

A video recording will be available afterwards, if you have registered for the event.

Please email Rebecca if you would like to buy the recording rebeccademendonca@gmail.com


I am thoroughly enjoying being an artist’s mentor for  Mastrius. It is all be done in live sessions via zoom, and I am mentoring a group of up to 8 aspiring artists, helping them to develop their work individually.

The company has a wonderful culture of encouragement and understanding, and was started by an artist who realised how hard it is to work alone (as we do) and make progress without a bit of help.

So if you feel that you need some feedback and encouragement with your work, and think that I could help you, take a look at their website and how it works.

Although they are based in Canada, it is all done on zoom, at monthly meetings. Mastrius also has the most amazing community, with lots of events to attend.

Having acquired a few mentors of my own this year, I am very aware of how powerful they can be, and even after one meeting the results from the group are amazing and exciting.

There are a couple of places left, and you can join at any time even though we have already started. Let me know if you have any questions.

You can find out more about it here

Pastel Society AWARDS

I am delighted to say that I won 2 awards at the Pastel Society Exhibition 2023!

My painting, ‘Through the Haze’ was awarded the Anthony J Lester Art Critic Award, and also the Visitor Choice Award. I feel so honoured to have won both of these awards. My painting was selected from 350 amazing artworks, and I am still getting over the shock.

A big thank you to Anthony J Lester and to the Pastel Society for recognising my work.
And also to all of the visitors to the exhibition who voted for my little painting.

The exhibition took place at the Mall Galleries in London from 24th May to 3rd June 2023. You can find out more about the exhibition, the Pastel Society, and see the online catalogue here.

Pastel Society

I am delighted to say that ‘Through the Haze’ has been accepted for the Pastel Society Annual Exhibition this year!

The exhibition takes place at the Mall Galleries in London from 24th May to 3rd June 2023.

It is very difficult to get work accepted, so I am very happy that I will be part of this prestigious show this year. More details to follow shortly.

You ca find out more details about this pastel as well as my other original equestrian pastels here 



Zoom workshop

Zoom pastel workshop, ‘Travels with Pastels’
Monday 3rd April 2023
7pm London Time

A live zoom pastel workshop about travelling and sketching with pastels. With tips for drawing and painting on location with soft pastels and pastel pencils, and lots of tips for how to pack your art kit!

A video recording will be available afterwards, if you have registered for the event.

When you register, your confirmation email will contain the zoom link, and also a link to an information sheet with a materials list and reference photos.

For more information and how to book, follow the link below. If you have any problems booking on, please get in touch;

Zoom workshop

Zoom pastel workshop, ‘Beach Days’
Monday 6th March 2023
7pm London Time

A zoom pastel workshop, capturing the fun of children playing on the beach in the sunshine. With lots of tips for both drawing and painting figures, and how to simplify and adapt your photographic reference.
We will be using soft pastels for painting, but also pastel pencils for fine drawing, and then looking at how to combine both, to achieve work with energy and detail.

To buy the recording from this event, please email me at rebeccademendonca@gmail.co

Zoom workshop

Zoom pastel workshop, ‘A Place of Peace’
Monday 6th February 2023
7pm London Time

Join us for a live pastel workshop capturing the peace and calm of a beautiful Scottish Loch.
With techniques for painting skies and still water. Inspired by my trip to Scotland over New Year.

To buy the recording from this event, please email me at rebeccademendonca@gmail.co

Zoom workshop

Zoom pastel workshop, ‘A Walk in the Woods’
Monday 9th January 2023
7pm London Time

Join us for a live pastel workshop painting the magical light in the woods in early Spring. With mark-making techniques for tress and grasses, and how to create hazy sunlight. With easy tips for drawing and painting figures in your landscapes.

A video recording will be available afterwards, if you have registered for the event.

To buy the recording from this event, please email me at rebeccademendonca@gmail.co

Rowan the Exmoor Pony

Rowan The Exmoor Pony – Collector’s Limited Edition Treasure. 
I was delighted to illustrate the cover of Dawn Westcott’s new book, ‘Rowan the Exmoor Pony’. 

It is an absolutely beautiful little story, aimed at all ages of pony-lovers, from 4 to 104, and I cannot recommend it enough. 

We have put together a collectors set of a signed Limited Edition Print and a signed book as a lovely gift. Sales help support the Exmoor Pony Project.

You can find out more about the book and the print here

Zoom workshop

Zoom pastel workshop, ‘Camargue Horse’

Monday 5th December 2022
7pm London Time

A zoom pastel workshop, sketching a beautiful sunlit Camargue horse, with techniques for drawing horses with pastels, charcoal and pastel pencils. 
In this workshop Rebecca will show you a simplified approach to drawing horses with pastels, focusing on tone and structure.
This piece was inspired by Rebecca’s trip to the Camargue in the Spring, and she will be sharing some of her other work in progress in this series.

To buy the recording from this event, please email me at rebeccademendonca@gmail.com

Zoom workshop

Zoom pastel workshop, ‘A Beautiful Evening’
Monday Nov 7th, 19:00 London

This is the second of my monthly zoom workshops through the Autumn and Winter. It’s a great time to sit comfortably at home, and get inspired!

This one is a zoom pastel workshop of a dramatic moorland evening, with techniques for painting skies, beautiful light, and a sense of distance.

To buy the recording from this event, please email me at rebeccademendonca@gmail.com


Camargue paintings

I am delighted to say that some of my paintings inspired by my trip to the Camargue a few months ago have been accepted for the Society of Equestrian Artists ‘Horse in Art’ Exhibition at the Sally Mitchell Gallery in September.

This is ‘Sea Horses at Dawn’, inspired by a particularly dramatic dawn shoot, and you can find out more details about it here.
See below for more details of the exhibition.

I am just about to embark on some BIGGER paintings inspired by my trip, so WATCH THIS SPACE for those!


The open exhibition of the Society of Equestrian Artists will be at the Sally Mitchell Gallery, at Tuxford,  from 10th to 18th September.

This is ‘Catching the Light’, one of my 4 paintings accepted for the show. It was inspired by one of the beautiful thoroughbreds at Exeter Races a few months ago. You can see more details of this painting here.


At Harbour Gallery and Cafe, Porlock Weir, Somerset
Until 17th July 2022

I am very happy to be exhibiting again at this lovely little venue in its beautiful surroundings. Porlock Weir is tucked away between Exmoor and the sea, an unspoilt little haven. 

I have a selection of work, including Exmoor ponies, some of my Camargue sketches, children and the beach and landscapes.

Lots of unframed work and prints as well, so a complete range of sizes  and prices. Open every day!

Harbour Gallery and Cafe
3 The Harbour, Porlock Weir
Somerset TA24 8PD
Tel: 01643 863514
or 01643 862015

Meet the artist!

Saturday 5th March
At Wildwood Arts Gallery
11 to 4

I am delighted to be the Featured Artist at Wildwood Arts Gallery this March. You can see my new work, and on Saturday 5th March I will be there all day demonstrating and talking about my work. 

Do come and say hello, and have a look at all that this wonderful gallery has to offer! Let me know if you have any questions…

Wildwood Arts Gallery, Horrabridge, near Tavistock, Devon. https://www.wildwoodartsdartmoor.co.uk/

Live pastel demo

Thursday 17th February
‘Into the Blue’ 
2.30pm London time

I will be teaming up again with Lois at the Watermill at Possara in Italy for an afternoon of online pastel tuition. 
Full of tips and techniques for  painting skies and the beautiful light on the distant hills and the water in the bay.
You can paint along with me or watch the recording afterwards and paint in your own time.
Payment by donation. To register or to see more info go to https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/into-the-blue-with-pastellist-rebecca-de-mendonca-tickets-242337206107


The Big Colyton Art Show

20th and 21st November 2021

This exhibition has a selection of work by some of the best artists in the South West, with paintings, prints, ceramics and jewellery, as well as a cafe hurray!
I have 6 pieces in it, including this one, ‘A Bit of a Handful’.
It is organised by the PTA to raise funds for the school, and well worth a visit!
Work can be viewed and bought online as well, at https://www.thebigcolytonartshow.co.uk/

Online Challenge

A 5 day pastel challenge with Unison Colour

21st to 26th November

I am thrilled to have been asked by Unison Colour (who make the beautiful pastels that I use) to produce this free 5 day online challenge to paint a moorland landscape in pastels. 
Each morning you will receive a short demo video and then each evening you get a chance to ask me questions in the live Q&A sessions.

It is all run through a designated facebook group, and you can register and find out more here.

Let me know if you have any questions about it!


The Society of Equestrian Artists annual ‘Horse in Art’ exhibition.

Sally Mitchell Gallery, Tuxford, Notts, NG22 0LA
4th to 11th September 2021

I am delighted to have had these 4 pieces accepted for the exhibition this year. If you would like to see all of the work on show, you can see a slide show on the Society’s website. https://equestrianartists.co.uk/index.php/annual-exhibition/


Zoom Drawing Classes 

I will be doing some zoom demos and workshops next year, more details to come soon.
For information about the zoom classes earlier this year, go to the new ‘Zoom classes and demos’ page here. 

You can also buy previous classes, now available as recordings.


Live pastel demo 

Animals in Pastels is the subject for my next demo for the Watermill in Italy, on Thursday March 25th at 2.30pm GMT.
Using Unison soft pastels, charcoal, harder pastels and pastel pencils on pastel paper.
Full of tips and techniques for capturing the structure of animals and the textures of their coats.
Do come and join us for a relaxed session full of tips and techniques….
The demo will be available as a recording for the following week, if you register for the event. Payment is by donation.
To register go to

Christmas Newsletter 

You can catch up with all of my latest news in one place by taking a look at my Christmas Newsletter here.

You can download the PDF to find out about my next live zoom demo, magazine articles now available, new work and exhibitions, my new range of Exmoor Pony prints, and pastel sets.
Lots of ideas for Christmas presents and creative things to do.

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas, and I hope that we get to meet in 2021. It will be SO nice to be sociable again!

Extraordinary Exhibition 

At Wildwood Arts Gallery, Horrabridge, Devon, and also online.

After a strange year, Cheri at Wildwood Arts has asked her artists to submit their favourite work from the year, to come together in an exhibition to lift the spirits and take our breath away. It has certainly worked, and all sorts of art, sculpture, jewellery and textiles in this wonderful exhibition can now be seen and bought online at https://www.wildwoodartsdartmoor.co.uk/.  You can contact Cheri to make an appointment to view  work, restrictions permitting.

You can see my drawings and paintings shown here and more of my latest equestrian work here  on this website.

The exhibition closes on Christmas Eve.

Paint and Draw, Animals

Bookazine now available

This  publication is now available and is full of amazing tutorials in a variety of media. Covering a range of animals, there’s lots to learn and explore.

I have two tutorials in it, using soft pastels, pastel pencils and Conte crayons.  One captures the colours and textures of a fox’s head. Inspired by a copyright free photograph by Jiri Sifalda.

The other shows how to create a beautiful Arabian horse, as article that I am delighted is republished from a couple of years ago.

You can buy the publication online at https://www.magazinesdirect.com/mobile/az-magazines/47386210/paint-and-draw-animals.thtml or from some branches of WH Smith.

Live online zoom DEMO

Thursday 19th November, 2.30pm London Time

Join us to experiment with pen and ink, and various pastel media, to capture the atmosphere of street scenes and the character of historic buildings. I will demonstrate how you can vary your materials and simplify your subject matter to make your life easier.

Architecture is a subject that can seem daunting for pastellists, but there are ways to use the softness of pastels to create light and atmosphere, but also get
detail and structure with pens and Conte crayons. As well as demonstrating an atmospheric street scene, I will show and explain examples of sketching buildings with other media.

It is suitable for beginners and more experienced students, whether you have used pastels before or not. I will show and explain simpler examples for beginners and as a way to practise the techniques and combinations of materials.

To take part please contact me or Lois Breckon at lois@medialliance.net 

Latest News

Click here for a downloadable PDF version of my Autumn newsletter 

You can read about a live zoom demo I will be giving this week, as well as the background behind my new work with the Exmoor Pony Project and my new range of Limited Edition Prints…..

Also the Extraordinary Exhibition at Wildwood Arts Gallery. 


Wildwood Arts Spring Exhibition online

The wonderful Cheri at Wildwood Arts managed to get the Spring Exhibition hung and filmed before we went into lock down. You can see both a virtual tour and the catalogue on their website https://www.wildwoodartsdartmoor.co.uk/.
It looks great, and as ever, I am delighted to have my work in such a beautiful and supportive gallery. Their website is now set up for online sales. Another example of how small businesses have risen to the challenge of the situation that we are in.

This is a Dartmoor Stallion study, size framed 67 x 81 cm. Price £895

Delamore Arts 2020

This exhibition will be online this year for a month, from 1st May at https://www.delamore-art.co.uk/. Take a look at what is always an exciting mix of contemporary art, mostly chosen from the South West.

It is very strange not to be dashing around getting all of my work framed, wrapped and ready to deliver. Several other exhibitions have been cancelled or postponed to next year. Strange times indeed.

This is ‘On the Edge’ a pastel inspired by the terrifying height of the cliffs on the West Coast of Scotland, and done from photos and sketches made on the cliff. Size framed 76 x 98 cm.
Price £995


Ballaghmor Class

This was one of my commissions last year, which was thrilling to do. Ballaghmor Class is owned by Angela Hislop and trained and ridden by Oliver Townend. They are an amazing partnership, coming a very tight second at Badminton last year, among many other achievements.

When I went to meet and photograph this charismatic horse, I felt like I was meeting a film star. He really knows how special he is. As ever, the staff at Gadlas Farm were wonderfully professional and accommodating. Feeling like a very lucky artist to have had this work, thank you Louise and Angela for giving me the chance!


My new video course

At long last I have my new video course on my website! It is designed to complement my book, ‘Pastels for the Absolute Beginner’. You don’t need to have the video and the book, but they work really well together.

I have divided this course into 2 parts so that it is useful for more of you to use…
Parts 1 and 2 are for beginners and
those who have dabbled a bit with pastels. 
Those of you who feel that you are past that complete beginner stage, and want to develop your skills, can just do part 2. Find out more and watch a trailer here.

I have taken so long to get it here on my website as I knew it would be a tricky procedure to do so, and I am an expert at procrastination. Fortunately I have had the Art Tutor team and Steve at the Cube Lab in Exeter (who designs my website) to make this magic happen. They have been amazing!

Magazine Articles 2020

Well it has been a busy few months of writing, which has included  a series for Leisure Painter Magazine on Natural Forms in the landscape. The first 2, Rocks and Water have been published in the May and June issues (they are always two months ahead for some reason), with Skies and Trees to follow over the next 2 months. This is the demo piece from the Water article.
You can get these as digital versions from the Pocketmags.com website, so no germs!
I have also been writing for Paint and Draw magazine, as they have been releasing collections of new and previous articles in issues each month this year looking at different subject matter, but have paused their publication at the moment. Look out for one on animals in a few month’s time featuring a fox in pastels!

Barcelona oil painting


I am very proud to announce that I have been shortlisted again for the Artists and Illustrators, ‘Artist of the Year’ Award, the third year running!

Having submitted 9 pieces, my painting ‘Big Hair in Barcelona’ has been chosen for the Artists of the Year Exhibition at the Mall Galleries in London from 25th February to 2nd March 2019.

You can vote for me online now, for the Readers Choice award, at http://awards.artistsandillustrators.co.uk/vote-now/

The prizes will be announced on 27th February, wish me luck!


Last year, I was thrilled to be asked to capture the amazing Cooley Master Class, the highly successful  event horse ridden by Oliver Townend.

In 2018 they won the Kentucky three day event, and have had great success over the years. I have had to keep this secret for months as it was a surprise Christmas present for Cooley Master Class’s owner, so it has been under wraps for a while!

It was a great challenge to paint a horse so beautiful, powerful and intelligent, but also so laid back and relaxed when he is in his stable.When I visited him at Gadlas Farm where he is trained (and looked after wonderfully),  I completely fell in love with him, especially his eyes. So this was a portrait that needed to capture many facets of his personality.

A challenge indeed, but so enjoyable. Many thanks to Louise for commissioning me to paint him.


The Society of Equestrian Artists ‘Horse in Art’ Exhibition was at the Sally Mitchell Gallery, in 2018.

It was a wonderful mix of paintings, drawings and sculptures celebrating the horse, by some of the leading equestrian artists in the country. You can also see still some of the exhibition online at www.sallymitchell.com.


I am delighted to now be represented by Wildwood Arts, a fantastic gallery near Tavistock that specialises in art relating to Dartmoor and rural life.

It is a perfect fit for my work, both my landscapes and equestrian pieces. The other work in there is beautiful, and ranges from 2D work to sculpture, jewellery and textiles.

Quite frankly I would like to buy nearly all it.
They have some of my original landscapes and horses, and my Limited Edition Prints of horses, and will be getting more new work as soon as I can paint it.

www.wildwoodartsdartmoor.co.uk, take a look!


I am very thankful to the Department of International Trade and European Regional Development Fund for helping me to develop my work, and particularly for the bursary I have received to create this new website.

Through their Export for Growth scheme, which has been helping artists and makers in the South West, I have been attending conferences and workshops, and getting lots of advice from Trevor my wonderful International Trade Adviser. I feel very privileged to have this help, and am making the most of it! It will now be much easier for people to access and buy my work and courses, from the UK and all around the World,

Please browse the site, and let me know what you think, we are still tweaking it, after months of working on it.

I must also say a big thank you to Steve at The Cube Lab, who has made it all possible, and has managed to work with me for several months and retain his sanity.


We have had a place become available our residential course at the Watermill, in Italy. To look at the course description go to http://thenewpastelschool.co.uk/

We have just finished running a course at Shorlands Old Farm with a lovely group of people. This is a photo I took when Nel and I went for a walk one evening to the Valley of the Rocks, just a 20 minute drive from Shorlands. We felt like we were in an episode of Poldark!

For the 2019 dates we have in the diary, take a look here
You can reserve a place or register your interest for next years courses already. It is a good idea to do this, as this years courses sold out very quickly.

I will not have many courses at my studio in the coming months, as I am spending more time painting.


I am thrilled to have been shortlisted for the third year running for the Artist and Illustrator’s ‘Artist of the Year’ competition, and will have my work in the ‘Artists of the Year’ Exhibition at the Mall Galleries in London at the end of February.

Exhibitions in the diary so far include;

Artists of the Year, Mall Galleries 25th Feb to 2nd March 2019

Delamore Arts, Devon, May 2019

Doddiscombsleigh Art Fair, Oct 2019

Wildwood Arts, Horrabridge, Devon, all year!

Please get in touch if you would like to come and visit my studio, I welcome visitors, but please make an appointment first!


I have just got back from a fantastic week at Porlock with the Society of Equestrian Artists.

This is their annual workshop, where members of all abilities and experience get together to share their love of horses.

We learn from hugely talented tutors, and each other, and draw from life all week, it is SO difficult I just cannot put it into words.

The horses are held, but they still don’t keep still! To compensate for the trauma we eat huge quantities of cake and laugh a lot.
I have my name down already for next year, and can’t wait to see my lovely friends again.

An original pastel painting of a misty, rainy day on Dartmoor in Devon. Tiny figures can be seen hiking along a path, dwarfed by the huge landscape, walking down the valley where a stream glints in the light. In the foreground a group of lichen-covered rocks are surrounded by gorse and heather. The colours are pale and soft, with grey and lilac, and greens and yellows of the plants.


I will be taking part in The Big Colyton Art Show again this year, from 12th to 14th October.

Always an interesting show, with selected artists.

The exhibition raises money for Colyton Grammar School, and also features work by the students, which last year was so exciting that it blew us away.


My book, ‘Pastels for the Absolute Beginner’ will be published by Search Press early next year. It has been a very long time in the planning, but is really coming together now, after a great photography session in June.

It was so nice to be at Search Press HQ, meeting many of the lovely people who work there. Edd the Editor is a man of great patience, and we powered through many of the sections.

Just a bit more photography to do with Paul and then I will be handing it over to the design team, how exciting!