
Adults and Children
At the moment I am not taking on portraits, as I am concentrating on equestrian work, landscapes and dogs. Please get in touch if you think you may want a portrait in the future.
A portrait captures more than a photograph, and I aim to capture my subjects personality in my paintings. I work from sketches and photographs, but I want to breathe some life into it too. I find that portraits work best if I meet the subject, to sketch and take photographs, and have a chat to get to know them a little. I then produce the drawing or painting in my studio from this reference. Alternatively, if you have good clear photographs, these can work brilliantly as reference for paintings, but it still helps a lot if I can meet the person I will be painting. When this isn’t possible, due to distance or circumstances, then I like to hear as much as I can about them, and see more photographs than the one I would be using.
Children at Play
Children are often most relaxed and natural when they are lost in their own world of play or make believe. Digging on the beach, playing in the garden, running about in the sunshine, these are the times that I love to capture, and record for the future. A few photographs taken by myself or the client, and a brief meeting with the children is needed to produce one of these paintings. I am finding increasingly that photographs snapped by parents or grandparents with a smart phone are of fantastic quality and have a spontaneity that leads to great paintings.

Prices for Portraits
For children at play, prices start at £250 for a small sepia sketch, £300 for a small colour painting, and vary according to the size of the piece, how much colour is required, and how many people are in the picture. Prices include mounting but not framing. I can easily arrange for work to be framed.
A portrait of an adult like the ones shown above are £750 plus framing, which for this size tends to be between £150 and £200.
If you would like to commission a portrait, please contact Rebecca on
01392 840132 / 0771 9585957